9월, 2012의 게시물 표시

제품인증과 비용..

제품인증과 비용.. Diary 보다 이게 편한건 찾아보기가 쉽다란거.. ㅎㅎㅎ q 인증 일정 검토    - Directive 93/42/EEC : 인증갱신 불필요       → 32,000,000    - IEC60601-1 : EMC debugging 후 3 개월 .       → 2 nd (22,5000,000), 3 rd (32,500,000)    - ISO15004-1 : 시제품 ( 금형적용품 ) 완료후 3 개월       → 사외신뢰성시험 2 회 (8,000,000)    - ISO10993-1 : 접촉부위 재질확정 후 2.5 개월       → 1 품목당 (6,700,000)    - Rohs: ~ 2013 년       → 11,000,000 원    - NRTL(UL, C-UL): CSA 대신 C-UL 진행함 ,                             IEC60601-1 인증과 동시진행 .       → 비용 및 기간은 IEC60601-1 에 포함되어 있음 .    - EMC Test: Class B, 시제품 완료 후 3 개월        →  13,000,000( 인증비 + D...
ASC code

RS 232 Protocol..

행여 나중에라도 필요할까봐... RS-232 Serial Protocol The RS-232 serial communication protocol is a standard protocol used in asynchronous serial communication. It is the primary protocol used over modem lines. It is the protocol used by the MicroStamp11 when it communicates with a host PC. Figure  23  shows the relationship between the various components in a serial ink. These components are the  UART , the serial channel, and the interface logic. An interface chip known as the  universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter  or  UART  is used to implement serial data transmission. The UART sits between the host computer and the  serial channel . The serial channel is the collection of wires over which the bits are transmitted. The output from the UART is a standard TTL/CMOS logic level of 0 or 5 volts. In order to improve bandwidth, remove noise, and increase range, this TTL logical level is converted to an RS-232 logic level of   or  ...