CE 등급 B. BF, CF의 의미
FDA는 Class A, B, C로 나뉘고, CE는 B, BF, CF로 나뉩니다.
그 의미는 아래와 같습니다.
Type CF
(“Cardiac Floating”) is the most stringent classification, and is used for
applied parts that may come in direct contact with the heart, such as dialysis
Type BF (“Body Floating”) is less stringent than Type CF, and is generally used for applied parts that have conductive contact with the patient, or having medium or long term contact with the patient. Examples of this type of equipment are blood pressure monitors, incubators and ultrasound equipment.
Type B (“Body”) is the least stringent classification, and is used for applied parts that are normally not conductive and can be immediately released from the patient. Examples of that would be LED operating lighting, medical lasers, MRI body scanners, hospital beds and phototherapy equipment.
Type B applied parts may be connected to earth ground, but Type BF & CF are separated from earth – hence the term “floating”.
Power supply Isolation Voltages vary according to the type rating.
Input to Output Isolation
Input to Ground Isolation
Output to Ground Isolation
B rated
BF/CF rated
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